BCA Convention update and congratulations to the Round Table
New Horizons by
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA)2 seasons
Episode 887, December 2024
14 mins
Looking back on a recent roundtable and looking ahead to a big anniversary event.

This series comes from Blind Citizens Australia, produced at Vision Australia studios.
This week we congratulate the Round Table on Information Access for People with a Print Disability. Also, an update on the BCA 50th anniversary convention coming up in June next year.
A heads-up: our Summer Series this year focuses on Audio Description. John Simpson brings us five programs with a host of special guests who will take you through the process of developing and delivering AD in various media including television, live and film.
Theme song 0:00
New Horizons. It's up to you and me to shine a guiding light and lead the way... United by our cause, we have power to pursue what we believe... We'll achieve the realisation of our dreams...
John Simpson 0:28
Welcome to another edition of New Horizons. I'm John Simpson, and I've got two guests to speak with for this week's program. We often talk about information access, and of course, over recent months, we've brought many of the presentations that form part of the annual conference of the Round Table on information access for people with print disability. So I'm delighted to have as my first guest today, the chair of the Round Table, Sonali Mather. Sonali, you've just returned from attending a conference of the International Publishers Association in Mexico, and you bring back some very exciting news for the Australian audience.
Sonali Mather 1:08
Yes, John, we bring, indeed, bring a very exciting news. Three weeks ago, the round table was shortlisted for the accessible books consortium awards for accessible publishing. Of the three organizations, there was one organization from Lithuania, the audio sensory library. There was a UNICEF led initiative in Finland for creating accessible digital textbooks and the round table on information access for people with print disabilities was one of the third short lists.
And I am truly excited to say that we won the 2024 ABC international Excellence Award for accessible publishing in the initiative category. It was truly an honor to be there in Guadalajara, Mexico to receive that award in person. This award is deeply meaningful to us. Round Round Table, John, as you would know, with your involvement in Round Table and all the community we serve, the
John Simpson 2:19
publicity for the award refers to the fact that the round table on information access for people with print disabilities was celebrated for its enduring contributions to accessibility since its establishment in 1981 so it truly is a reflection on the work that the round table and Its member organizations have done over all those years.
Sonali Mather 2:42
Absolutely. So when they did present the award, one of the things they mentioned and where the round table stood out was that round table has been producing accessible guidelines, and is was set up expressly for the purpose of creating guidelines alternative formats, since 1981 these guidelines, or whatever round table does is being dissemination of information, was also very important to them with the other organisations. The impact was was definitely felt, but it was only felt nationally.
With The Guidelines created under Creative Commons and a national conference for dissemination of information open to everybody, we were making an international impact and the longevity of round table and the continuous work that people in the round table community have done, whether it is advocacy work, whether it is their involvement in creating the guidelines, the work they've done through the working parties and through their subcommittees, or even participating in at the conference and showcasing best practice.
All of these individuals and people have contributed to the Round Table getting this award, and I am truly grateful to the whole community, because our shared vision of a more accessible world is what round table is about, and this award is a celebration of that commitment from this whole community.
John Simpson 4:30
The Round Table is a collaboration between a wide range of organisations that have an interest or an involvement in producing and disseminating information in accessible formats. Can you just give us a sample of the sorts of organisations that are part of the Round Table?
Sonali Mather 2 4:49
So, John, when the round table was started, we had the library sector, especially libraries for people with print disabilities and even men publicly. Libraries and all alternative format producers, which people within this sector, was instrumental for starting of round table and creating round table. Currently we have round table from the publishing sectors. We have all disability organizations creating material for people with a print disability. We do have consumer organisations like PCA, whose support we very much value. We have education departments from all over Australia.
So one of the things that has changed through the Marrakesh Treaty is we've got the Publishing Association. We've got government organisations as well involved. So now round table has a broader role and a broader sector led organisation, and which certainly helps us to pass on our message about inclusive publishing and advocate for accessible formats.
John Simpson 5:59
And of course, the public face of the Round Table is that annual conference that you referred to, and the next one is due for Melbourne in May. I believe,
Sonali Mather 2 6:07
Yes, the conference is in May. It is an election year. We will be releasing the program in a couple of days.
John Simpson 6:17
Okay, so we don't have a lot of time to go into that detail, but we just suggest to listeners that you keep tuned to New Horizons for information about next year's Round table conference, and of course, we'll be there with our trusty microphone again to capture some of those fantastic presentations. Time speeding this today, Sonali, but thank you very much for joining us, and congratulations to you and everyone involved with the round table for this award. It's truly is a great reflection of work over many, many years and dedication by people such as yourself and many others who put fantastic time into creating these guidelines and so forth.
I'm now joined by long standing BCA member, Michael James. Michael, you're currently involved in the key project for 2025 for the organization, its 50th anniversary National Convention. What's your role?
Michael James 7:15
John, I'm a member of the program committee, so we're responsible for putting the actual program for convention and the convention dinner together, and you said it's for 2025 we actually started at the beginning of this year. So to us, it seems like we're a freeway through the process, but really looking forward to six months time when convention will be happening.
John Simpson 7:38
And of course, this is a significant event, not only because it's the 50th anniversary, but thanks to COVID and other factors, it's the first face to face convention since 2019.
Michael James 7:50
Yes, it is John. So it's five years, and we normally have them every two years, originally every year. So it does seem an eternity, but for the reason that it's very special being our 50th anniversary, and the fact we haven't had one for a while, we're looking forward to it, but we're also trying to make it quite special.
John Simpson 8:12
And am I right, Michael, that the organisation is offering both face to face and online registration?
Michael James 8:18
This is true. John, it's a bit like going to a concert, John, I reckon it's it's all right on YouTube, and it's alright on the telly, but it's a lot better being there. But nevertheless, if people are are unable to be there, certainly the program over Saturday and Sunday, there'll be opportunity to register on Zoom. And I think parts of the Saturday night dinner may be also on Zoom, some of the important parts, which is great, but as I said, there's nothing like being there. So we would really love to see people, if they can see their way forward to do so to register and be there in person.
John Simpson 8:59
So give us the where and when.
Michael James 9:02
Okay, so the dates are the 13th to the 15th of June, 2025. There'll be some activities on the Friday afternoon and evening, but the main convention itself will be on Saturday the 14th of June, and Sunday the 15th of June, with a celebrations dinner on the Saturday evening the 14th of June.
John Simpson 9:24
So let's talk about the main program. Have we got a theme?
Michael James 9:29
The theme is Individually and Together, We Create Change. So we're sort of saying, I suppose, that as individuals, we can change things through advocacy and lobbying and being involved in our local community, and that's really important, but systemic change and other change really come about through working together as an organisation. I think that's something that BCA has done very well over that period of 50 years, and really is. The standout of a work over that time.
John Simpson 10:02
Now, I know you won't be able to give us chapter and verse as to who's speaking when and so forth, but can you flag some of the main features of the program?
Michael James 10:12
Look, yeah, there'll be a full weekend of activities now. Friday night, there will be a welcome function and informal social get together as usual, our opening seminar. Opening session, of course, sorry, will include prominent guest speakers, which we're trying to put together just at the moment, but you know, some prominent people. We also are planning a session, which I'm looking forward to, where we will have contributions of members who were there right at the start in 1975 and that will be the second session on Saturday, and I think that could be really a highlight.
Support Workers have really crept into our way of life in recent years, and particularly through the NDIS, obviously, and we're going to have a session on the Sunday morning where we actually are looking at the increasing role of support workers in our lives, and why they have some very positive aspects. Now, there might be some questions about whether it is all good, but that will that will come and there'll be obviously things like AI are playing an important part in our life these days. There'll be a session looking at computer technology, its advancement, and the effects of artificial intelligence on this all.
And we'll also have a highlight, I think, where there'll be a session looking at the evolution of our rights as blind and vision impaired people, both possibly looking back, but also looking forward.
John Simpson 11:39
And I see in the notes you sent me that a hypothetical is proposed.
Michael James 11:44
Yes, there is a hypothetical proposed. We unfortunately don't think we have access to Geoffrey Robertson, but nevertheless, a very well qualified person who will find out a bit later to conduct or facilitate that hypothetical will will be there, and we hope to have a panel of really interesting people to participate in that hypothetical.
John Simpson 12:07
And technology is always a feature of BCA conventions, a technology display road show.
Michael James 12:14
There will be a technology display planned to take place on the Friday afternoon and run at the same time as convention on the Saturday morning, obviously in a different area, a breakout area of the hotel and but I'm sure there'll be more about that to come through all forms of BCA media in the time leading up to convention.
John Simpson 12:38
Okay, so you've sold me - how do I register?
Michael James 12:41
Right? So registrations will open, probably in late January. That will be be able to be done online through the BCA website, although, if that's a bit challenging, I'm sure that you can win the BCA office, and they'll be able to take a registration over the phone. And John, I'll just repeat, it's on the 13th to the 15th of June, and it's at the Novotel hotel in Glen Waverley, which is in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne. And for anybody who was around, yes, it's the same venue as where we held the 2017 convention, people can contact the Novotel direct, and they can do that now. It's been open for a few weeks, and I really apologise I don't have the details in front of me, but if people look back through the last few editions of the member update from BCA, they'll find those or if they can't, please ring the BCA office and they'll be able to steer you in the right direction.
But accommodation bookings are open now. I believe some people have already booked, and there are codes and so forth to get a special rate for accommodation.
John Simpson 13:43
We'll, of course, keep in touch with developments as the program is finalised, and we'll remind our listeners about those opportunities to register and book accommodations throughout the early part of the year.
But thanks for being with us today - and just a reminder before I go, that the BCA phone number if you need to contact them, is 1800 033 660 - or email - and of course, with this being the Christmas season, reminder that the office will be closing on Friday the 20th of December, reopening on Monday the sixth of January, and you'll be able to follow up on convention registrations and so forth after that, until we speak again. Thanks for joining me for this week's edition of New Horizons. I'm John Simpson.Theme
We'll achieve the realisation of our dream, of our dreams....
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