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Radio 2RPH, based in Sydney, provides a radio reading service for people who can't read independently, or who can't handle or understand printed material. Our audience also includes listeners who for many other reasons find it difficult to access or interpret text-based journalism and information.

Our listeners include people with low vision or people who often can't hold a newspaper because of physical disabilities caused by strokes, arthritis, cerebral palsy, etc. The service aims to provide access to published material from the daily newspapers, national and international magazines, as well as book readings.

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Latest contributions

  • In Part 1 of a 2RPH interview, assistive tech expert David Woodbridge explores latest innovations to make everyday life easier.

    David Woodbridge - Tech Update Part 1

    Ablequest by 2RPH


    14 mins


  • What are the challenges of providing audio description on Oz TV? Hear Lauren Henley, Aust Federation of Disability Organisations.

    Lauren Henley - Audio Description

    Ablequest by 2RPH


    14 mins


  • This program discusses dance movement therapy and how it works - featuring Cecilia King of the Dance Therapy Association.

    Cecilia King - Dance Therapy

    Ablequest by 2RPH

    14 mins


  • Vivid, Sydney's celebration of creativity, seen from a disability access focus by its director.

    Gill Minervini - Vivid

    Ablequest by 2RPH


    14 mins


  • Blind Sports Australia CEO Matt Clayton speaks about its work with blind and vision impaired athletes across 21 sports.

    Matt Clayton - Blind Sports Australia

    Ablequest by 2RPH


    13 mins
