SpineCare Foundation.
Division of Northcott, committed to funding research and educational initiatives that support children with spinal cord injury or dysfunction and their families.
Latest contributions
Rehabilitation strategies for children with spinal cord injury - personal experience and professional insights.
Rehab in a kid's life
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Living with spinal cord injury through adolescence - expert and lived experience insights.
Rites of passage
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Three young men share stories of reaching life goals years after spinal cord injuries.
The next stage - pursuing passions and flying the nest
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Experienced insights into sport and recreation opportunities for children with spinal cord injury.
Empowerment through play - sport and recreation
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Psychological, social and physical challenges of childhood spinal cord injury - expert and lived insights.
Discovering strength and self-navigating psychosocial aspects of childhood spinal cord injury
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Life experience and expert advice on bowel and bladder health in kids with spinal cord injury.
Bladder and bowel health
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Experienced and expert insights into pressure injuries - skin wounds, pressure ulcers - a key issue in spinal cord injury.
Love your skin - preventing and managing wounds
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Two family-builders share insights into taking holidays when family members have spinal cord injury.
Family getaways
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Lived experience and expert advice on tertiary education and work options for people with spinal cord injury.
Paid work and tertiary education
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Expert and lived insights into how assistive tech and home setup helps in living with spinal cord injury.
Assistive tech and home modifications - the setup right for you
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Expert and lived experience insights into neuromuscluar scoliosis arising from spinal cord impairment.
Got your back - scoliosis and considerations for management
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation
Expert advice and lived experience on how children with spinal cord injury can navigate school years.
School life
SpineCare's 40 Voices for 40 Years by SpineCare Foundation