Vision Australia.
The Vision Australia Radio Network incorporates ten community radio stations across Victoria, southern New South Wales, Adelaide and Perth and five digital radio services.
We offer a range of interesting and informative programs that feature readings from the latest newspapers, magazines and books.
Our exclusive specialist content includes programs on new technology, current affairs, book and film reviews, health and wellbeing, the arts, finance, travel and more.
Latest contributions
International Women's Day special featuring Seeing Eye Dogs workers, clients and activities.
IWD special - handler story Nicole and Trixie; Mikaela, Client Services; Roadshow
Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia
Interviews on disability and sport, health, fitness and spirituality.
Sports, health challenges, resistance and inclusivity
Leisure Link by Vision Australia
An Australian playwright, actor, musician and theatre professional shares life and work insights.
Eddie Morrison
Emerging Writers by Vision Australia
International Women's Day special featuring two women working for women's rights and disability access.
Women's Day
Studio 1 by Vision Australia
Reviews of accessible books including a John Steinbeck classic, and news of a forthcoming writers' festival.
Brimbank and Steinbeck
Hear This by Vision Australia
Expert, experienced reviews of new technology and events to help people with blindness and low vision.
New tech from Alexa and Linux, and a world conference
Talking Tech by Vision Australia
Lively discussion of issues around assistance and consent in the low vision community.
The Boy Scout Syndrome
Studio 1 by Vision Australia
Seeing Eye Dogs puppy development insights, and news from a major world body.
IGDF and reflections from Jane Bradley
Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia
An Australian writer of music, lyrics and poems discusses his works and experiences.
Paul R. Kohn
Emerging Writers by Vision Australia
News of an important campaign and other interviews on disability and work, leisure and life.
What's My Future?
Leisure Link by Vision Australia
An update on Vision Australia Library's coming events and latest blind-accessible books.
Coming events and new books
Hear This by Vision Australia
Expert, experienced updates on low vision-assistive products from Apple, WeWalk and more.
Apple's new phone and more on the SmartCane
Talking Tech by Vision Australia