A right to work: Jacqui's story
Wallara Employment Stories by
Wallara1 season
2 mins
Wallara client Jacqui tells of her successful transition into work at a local RSL Club.

To contact Wallara, telephone 03 9792 2985.
0:06 JACQUI:
I'm Jacqui Thomas. I'm 40 years old, I work at Frankston RSL one day a week and I love it.
The team at Frankston RSL in the bistro kitchen are very friendly helpful and always ask how you're going and... I love it.
0:25 BRETT:
At the Frankston RSL we're a community organisation and we hold values dear to our heart - Integrity, respect, compassion and inclusivity. Inclusivity has led to our relationship with Wallara. Frankston RSL has sponsored a number of projects at Wallara over the years. From there we saw the opportunity to provide open employment for their clients. We took our entire leadership team down to Sages Cottages to get a greater understanding of the disability sector and the work that Wallara does. This had a profound effect on our organisation. That's when we started the process of taking on someone
from Wallara in open employment.
The whole process was managed really well by Wallara. Having Caroline come out to the venue on multiple occasions to assess and assist us was integral to this project successfully working.
1:17 JACQUI:
I'm the queen of sandwiches at the Frankston RSL, I do the egg and lettuce sandwiches, the ham-cheese-tomato sandwiches and I also do a ham-cheese croissant. I make the sandwiches in the morning and I wheel the trolley to Nancy's Cafe. I'm really grateful for how Frankston RSL has helped me with the work that they've given me and the transitioning from Wallara. I have gained more confidence in myself.
1:56 BRETT:
Taking on Jackie has been a great, great outcome for Jackie. It's been even greater for the Frankston RSL. Our trial started with Jackie and in the next month we're looking at taking on two more clients from Wallara.
2:14 JACQUI:
All people with a disability should be given an opportunity to work if they want to. If you've got a business and you need workers, why not employ someone with a disability?
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