Scooby Doo, where are you?
Wallara Employment Stories by
Wallara1 season
4 mins
A dream comes true for Wallara client Cam.

To contact Wallara, telephone 03 9792 2985.
Campbell comes to Wallara’s community programs about three days a week. I support him in home a few hours a week just to give mom a break and kinda rest. At home the combination of in-home support and Wallara care is a good combination for us because Cam's often unwell and not able to attend the programs that had to leave someone with
Cam's high medical needs and Mel saw he was capable and I never had any fear that he
won't be taken care of.
Campbell and Mel have a very special relationship - she's very in tune with his needs and they have a lot of good times together. Cam's special interest is Scooby Doo - he has a
lot of toys, movies, books about Scooby Doo it's very real to Cam and they mean a lot to him.
Cam lives a lot of his life in his imagination, so all of those characters are part of his life and
Mel's understanding of how he can view his special friends is so important to him.
So I was driving to work and the Mystery Machine just drove straight path and I just couldn't stop thinking about how how much Cam would absolutely love seeing a real-life Mystery Machine... and I was just thinking about it all day and I just had to find the owner of the Mystery Machine.
So I posted it on Facebook I asked the local newspaper group if they could help me find the owner. I asked all my friends that were into cars and everyone was really helpful trying to find out who the owner of this car was.
The response from the community was really overwhelming - they could see that would just be a dream come true thing. So facebook notifications for me were going crazy,
everyone was trying to get in contact with me asking me if so-and-so had contacted me and blah blah blah.
My husband was annoyed that I was on a facebook for so long... and then by nine thirty at night I had a message from [?borrow the only] - saying how awesome this is he's willing to...
When the Mystery Machine came down the driveway, Cam couldn't believe his eyes
that it was here at his house. He was smiling from ear to ear, he was involved with Beau... being Fred. Mel played into the whole experience, was just fabulous [?but it smells]
When we went for a ride in the Mystery Machine Cam was really excited. Beau played his favorite song Eagle Rock and we were all singing along. Cam was so happy, it was great to be there.
Mel cares for Cam and her friendship with Cam was beyond anything we could have hoped
for - and every day she's the same with him but what Mel did for Cam was done out of love, she did it all on her own time and it was just such a pleasure for her to make him happy.
It's days like this and helping the people I work with's dreams come true is why I love my job.
When Mel told me what she was hoping to achieve for Cam I thought it was just wonderful and to see it unfold and see her delight in making Cam's wish come
true was just the best day ever.
... you...
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