Finding my thing: Ben's story
Wallara Employment Stories by
Wallara1 season
2 mins
Wallara client Ben shares his experience of building a media career.

To contact Wallara, telephone 03 9792 2985.
[Applause and music]
I'm Ben Van Ray. I'm 21 year old... and I'm an absolute sports nut. Whooo! I think having a disability forces you to take a really honest look at your life and what you can and can't do. I mean I'm never going to be the next Usain Bolt but I’m OK with that.
Since I left school I've been asking myself what do I want to do with my life and what am I good at? And it finally started to click. I joined a disability service called Wallara and they encouraged me to try public speaking - and it turns out I'm good at it. I started speaking at schools, then I got us to the corporate functions, now I'm emceeing a big event.
It's amazing seeing Ben up on stage in front of 4 or 500 people doing his thing, hosting shows and answering questions. As a mum you always get nervous for him but so proud and so amazed at what he actually can do.
The next thing I did was join a weekly radio show. I started by introducing songs and doing really small segments, now I run the panel and produce the show.
Welcome to the Hey Hey It’s Wallara Show on Casey Radio 97.7 FM...
Last year I was invited to join Wallara TV to learn about video production, and I was like, Where do I sign up? Getting my head around the software and cameras was pretty challenging but guys made it easier by breaking it down into simple goals. We get to use some seriously cool gear. The camera stabiliser is brilliant for me because I can use it in a wheelchair. I've now presented four television shows, edited and uploaded videos to YouTube... and I feel way more confident.
What I found exciting to see is Ben come to the realisation that he has a voice and that he can use his passion the media and the opportunities he's been given to promote
inclusion and to have his say.
When I pull up to my desk in the morning I have no limitations, I can work just as well as my friend sitting beside me. By focusing on my abilities I found a way to make my disability disappear.
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