Driving social change
Wallara Employment Stories by
Wallara1 season
1 mins
An entertainment venue works with Wallara Land Management to boost accessibility and employment pathways.

To contact Wallara, telephone 03 9792 2985.
Speaker 1 00:04
LeMans is a family-friendly entertainment venue. We have go-karts, laser tag, virtual reality, arcade games, and most recently, we've got mini-golf. We cater for all ages and all abilities. Our goal is to have everybody walk away with a story to tell and a smile on their face. As our business has grown and developed, we've tried as hard as we can to be as inclusive as possible. We've implemented quite a few adaptions at LeMans. We've made our mini-golf more accessible by widening the paths. We've also got suction cups to put at the bottom of the golf clubs to turn around and pick the balls up easier. We've invested in a small fleet of double-go-karts and a hoist to be able to lift people into them.
Our inclusion isn't just about who we cater for, but in fact, who we employ. We employ Wallara Land Management Services, who take care of our 23 acres here at LeMans. Having a manicured property like we do means so much to us, but it means just as much to Wallara, too. The team at LeMans Entertainment highly recommend the work that Wallara Land Management does, and that's because of the attention to detail that they put into all 23 acres, but also the pride that they've taken it to.
In Australia, 48% of people living with a disability are unemployed. And that's a terrible statistic. By hiring Wallara Land Management Services, we've made a small difference. You can do that as well.
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