Sages Cottage
Wallara Employment Stories by
Wallara1 season
3 mins
Wallara collaborates in a horticulture project on a heritage farm in rural Victoria.

To contact Wallara, telephone 03 9792 2985.
Speaker 1 00:01
Hi guys, I'm Phil Hayes-Brown, well I'm the CEO and I'm here at the amazing Sages Cottage Farm, with one of our superstar clients, Ben Van Rake.
Speaker 2
Phil, great to be here.
Speaker 1
Good on you mate. And the goal today is to tell people about this amazing place, Sages Cottage Farm.
Speaker 2 00:15
And why is it called Sages Cottage, Phil?
Speaker 1
Great question. Well, in 1850, all this land was owned by a guy called Benjamin Baxter and he had a leading hand called John Sage, and John Sage took a bit of a fancy to one of Benjamin's daughters.
Speaker 2 00:29
Oh, that's a scandalous relationship right there.
Speaker 1
Absolutely. And the family was raised here at the property, we still have a great relationship with them today and it's just so cool to see what the property is doing now. We have the 1850s cottage itself that's heritage protected, the rose gardens, the pine trees on the place, the orchard and we are sitting in front of another heritage listed building right now, which is called the Stables. And what goes on in here, Ben?
Speaker 2
We've got a cafe in here now, Phil. It's very busy here.
Speaker 1
It is. It opens the public seven days a week and that is our next stop.
Speaker 2
Well, here we are at the beautiful Sages Cafe. Phil, where's my coffee?
Speaker 1 01:10
Oh, okay. Now, Chris, can we get Ben's coffee, please?
Speaker 3
Yes, please.
Speaker 1
Good on you, mate. Yes, you can. There you are, Ben. Sorry for the delay.
Speaker 3
There you go. That's sorry for the delay. Hello to everyone on Facebook and Instagram viewers.
Speaker 1 01:23
Good on you, Chris. About 25 of our clients are working across all parts of hospitality here at Sages Cafe. In the kitchen, they're working with experienced chefs, learning all about meal preparation and front of house, they're taking orders at the till, there's customer service and they are putting out some magnificent food, including some of the best salads in town.
Speaker 2 01:44
Phil, I believe a lot of our project is grown right here on the farm.
Speaker 1
That's right, Ben. Our magnificent horticulture program grows food for the cafe, some plants for the public to buy. Look what I bought you, Ben.
Speaker 2 01:55
Phil, you shouldn't have.
Speaker 1
I know, but I did. And feed for our wonderful animals.
Speaker 2
Let's go and check them out now.
Speaker 1
Okay, well, here we are with some of our star attraction animals and helping us for this little segment is Cooper, one of our superstar clients. Cooper, how are you?
Speaker 4
Speaker 1
Tell us about the animals at Sages.
Speaker 4
These are our sheep, these ones.
Speaker 1
Yeah, right. Now, tell us what other animals have we got at the farm.
Speaker 4
Speaker 1
Miniature Shetlands, yes.
Speaker 4 02:21
Miniature Shetlands. Alpacas. Alpacas. Goats. Pigs. Yes. Guineas. Rabbits. And chickens. And our turkey.
Speaker 1
And our turkey. We should not forget the turkey, should we?
Speaker 4
Yeah, and our turkey.
Speaker 1
So the animals are a key part of Sages Cottage Farm and the public love them, mate, don't they? So come on down and see us at Sages Cottage Farm in Baxter. Walk through the beautiful grounds, see the animals and call into the cafe for delicious coffee and lunch and help us make Sages Australia's most inclusive farm. See you guys!
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