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Vision Australia.

The Vision Australia Radio Network incorporates ten community radio stations across Victoria, southern New South Wales, Adelaide and Perth and five digital radio services.

We offer a range of interesting and informative programs that feature readings from the latest newspapers, magazines and books.

Our exclusive specialist content includes programs on new technology, current affairs, book and film reviews, health and wellbeing, the arts, finance, travel and more.

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Latest contributions

  • Latest books from Vision Australia Library - this week, some top Oz and worldwide novels.

    Top Oz and world novels

    Hear This by Vision Australia

    29 March 2024


  • An expert discusses Artificial Intelligence and how it can help blind-low vision people.


    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    3 April 2024

    28 mins


  • Expert on blind-assistive tech updates digital clocks, wearables and more.

    Clocks, conferences and wearables

    Talking Tech by Vision Australia

    2 April 2024

    14 mins


  • Interview with emerging Australian poet and prose writer Drew Cuffley.

    Drew Cuffley

    Emerging Writers by Vision Australia

    6 April 2024

    28 mins


  • Part 2 of an interview with emerging Australian writer and performer Sarah Jane Justice.

    Sarah Jane Justice (part 2)

    Emerging Writers by Vision Australia

    30 March 2024

    28 mins


  • Topics covered in part 3 include: marriage, advocacy, dating apps, and tele-link groups.

    Dating Blind 3

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    27 March 2024

    31 mins


  • Meet Winnie the dog, not Winnie the Pooh.

    Sophie and Winnie's story and 100K Your Way

    Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia

    28 March 2024

    29 mins


  • Kirsten is a Seeing Eye Dogs handler who talks to us about her busy life as a classical soprano singer and her life and partnership with Seeing Eye Dog Kimba.

    Kirsten the Soprano and Kimba the SED

    Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia

    26 March 2024

    28 mins


  • Regular expert reviews a range of new blind-assistive tech developments - and a world conference.

    Zoomax, Zoom H4 and zooming in on a world event

    Talking Tech by Vision Australia

    26 March 2024

    14 mins


  • First part of an interview with Sarah Jane Justice - emerging Australian writer, voice actor and musician.

    Sarah Jane Justice (part 1)

    Emerging Writers by Vision Australia

    23 March 2024

    27 mins


  • Follow-up to Studio 1's Valentine's Day program, more experiences of romance when you're blind or low vision.

    Dating Blind 2

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    20 March 2024

    28 mins


  • Coming events and books at Vision Australia Library for people with blindness or low vision.

    Coming events at Vision Library - and a Kerouac classic

    Hear This by Vision Australia

    15 March 2024

    29 mins
