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Vision Australia.

The Vision Australia Radio Network incorporates ten community radio stations across Victoria, southern New South Wales, Adelaide and Perth and five digital radio services.

We offer a range of interesting and informative programs that feature readings from the latest newspapers, magazines and books.

Our exclusive specialist content includes programs on new technology, current affairs, book and film reviews, health and wellbeing, the arts, finance, travel and more.

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Latest contributions

  • On World Braille Day, Vision Australia program celebrates Braille, assesses its impact and looks at its future.

    Is Braille dead?

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    4 January 2024

    34 mins


  • Presenter Matthew Layton's final program, a retrospective on the show's achievements.

    Many Thanks (Matthew's Last Show)

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    27 December 2023

    28 mins


  • Part 2 of a report on the World Games of IBSA, the International Blind Sports Federation.

    IBSA World Games Part 2

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    23 December 2023

    28 mins


  • Report (Part 1) on the World Games of IBSA, the International Blind Sports Federation.

    IBSA World Games Part 1

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    23 December 2023

    28 mins


  • Blind/low vision program looks back on 2023 and ahead to 2024.

    A Very Studio 1 Christmas

    Studio 1 by Vision Australia

    20 December 2023

    28 mins


  • Experts give tips on managing guide dogs at holiday events and protecting dogs in hot weather.

    Holiday events and hot weather care of dogs

    Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia

    8 January 2024

    28 mins


  • An expert gives guide dog puppy training tips including games and indoor activities.

    Puppy development training, enrichment games and tips

    Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia

    8 January 2024

    28 mins


  • Tips for managing guide dogs around social events, and all about the Seeing Eye Dogs Youth Program.

    Holiday season tips and youth program

    Seeing Eye Dogs Show by Vision Australia

    8 January 2024

    29 mins


  • What's new in Vision Australia library of Braille and audio books - including new Australian works.

    New Australian books

    Hear This by Vision Australia

    12 January 2024

    28 mins


  • Veteran talking book reader Tony Porter reviews his many voices.

    The many voices of Tony Porter

    Hear This by Vision Australia

    5 January 2024

    27 mins


  • Bookshop manager Daniel Bednall shares experiences of selling emerging writers' books.

    Daniel Bednall on selling books

    Emerging Writers by Vision Australia

    13 January 2024

    24 mins


  • Works of children's writers Penny Matthews, Ian Napier, Hayley Morton, Tracy Crisp & Georgina Chadderton.

    Summer snapshots: children's story writers

    Emerging Writers by Vision Australia

    6 January 2024

    27 mins
